A dropdown list where users select an action or value.
The Basics
What it is
Menu enables users to select an action or value from a predefined list. It’s opened by clicking a separate trigger element, and it can contain titles, icons, and dividers.
How it works
- The user triggers Menu by clicking an element on the page, usually another Forge component like ComboButton, Button, or MenuTrigger (see Demos for an example of MenuTrigger).
- Menu opens below the trigger element, displaying the actions or values as Menu items.
- When the user hovers over a Menu item, the Menu item is highlighted.
- When the user clicks the Menu item, the action is triggered or the value is applied.
- To close Menu without selecting an option, the user can click anywhere outside the dropdown.
When to use
- To ask users to select an action or value from a list, like navigation links or filter values
When not to use
- For a short list of actions or values that can appear directly on the page, reducing the number of clicks
- For a long list of actions or values (e.g., a list of all possible actions) that would be difficult to navigate in a dropdown
What to use instead
Use SegmentedButton for short lists of related actions (can contain Menu).
Use Button for single or unrelated actions.
Use Select to ask users to select an option in a form.
How to use
Using Menu for Website Navigation
Menu can be used to list navigation options, like links that open different web pages or jump to sections of the current page. Navigation elements in the page header or footer often trigger Menu.
If your Menu includes links to both other athenaOne pages and other websites (like reference websites for diagnosis codes), make sure that users can tell the difference between internal athenaOne links and external links. Consider displaying external links as a group, with a divider and title for visual separation.
Using Menu for Actions or Values
Menu items can be:
- Actions like Download, Share, and Print
- Values that trigger actions, like sort order options: A to Z, Most Popular, and Oldest First
Menu is often used to display options that are relevant in the given web page or to a specific element. For example, on a page that shows an imaging report, Menu might be used to display the actions that users can take on that report (Print, Email, Annotate).
If Menu items are actions, make sure that none of them are primary actions or are required to complete the workflow, because users can’t see these actions unless they trigger the Menu.
Titles and dividers
Menu can include non-clickable titles and dividers to help label and group the Menu items. This is helpful for clustering related items (like editing options and sharing options) and separating actions that you don’t want users to click accidentally (like Delete).
Menus with Screens
Using MenuScreens is a useful option for rendering things in floating Menus that aren’t
meant to be automatically highlighted like Menu Items, such as Forms.
Menu Screens can also support plain lists of MenuItems, either on their own or wrapped in a MenuItemList.
It is highly recommended to use a controlled menu when using custom elements in a menu screen. Otherwise, the default menu behavior may close the menu in. Unexpected ways.
Menu Screens can support collections of elements, including forms.
Menu Screen Navigation
Menu can also manage a stack-based state of screens within the Menu via MenuScreens. This is useful when you have multiple nested menus that are too long or complex to display in one menu screen. This is meant to mimic the UINavigationController on iOS or the StackNavigator from react-navigation.
You must name your screens with the screenKey prop to use multiple screens and navigate between them. Screen Key props must be unique within the menu. See the Menu Navigation demo for an example.
The useMenuNavState hook
When navigating across multiple screens, you must declare a useMenuNavState
hook for your menu to determine the default screen to display. You will use this hook to push / pop screens on and off the navigation stack.
The basic navigation functions of push, back, and reset are provided. The nav stack will always have at least one screen; the root screen. Screens can be pushed multiple times onto the stack, including the root screen.
The preserveScreenOnClose
parameter can be set to true on the useMenuNavState
hook to preserve the screen stack when the menu is closed. The default behavior is to reset the navigation state to the root screen every time the Menu is closed.
Design details
Menu is a small rectangular popover that displays a list of Menu items (text only or text with icons). Non-clickable titles and dividers help label and group items visually.
Menu opens below the trigger element, with its left side aligned with the left side of the trigger. There’s no vertical space between Menu and its trigger. Menu overlays and obscures any content below the trigger.
Placement and hierarchy
No additional information for this component.
Trigger element
If Menu is triggered by an element with visible text (such as SegmentedButton, Button, or MenuTrigger – see Demos for an example of MenuTrigger), use title case for this text (“More Options”, not “More options”).
Menu has a label, which is separate from any text in the trigger element.
- Displaying the label is optional. It appears above the trigger element.
- Even if you don’t display the label, it’s still required for accessibility reasons. Include label text in your design so developers can implement it in the code.
The label should complement the trigger element and describe the Menu content:
- Trigger element text is “Jump to page...”, and label text is “Navigation”.
- Trigger element text is “Select Filter”, and label text is “Filter Options”.
Menu items
If the Menu items represent:
- Actions, their text should convey what will happen when users select the item
- Values, their text should be the name of the value
Use title case for Menu item text (“Print File”, not “Print file”). Keep it short: item text doesn’t wrap or truncate automatically, so a very long Menu item could expand the Menu’s width past the edge of the window. Menu item text can include formatting and styling.
Menu items can include an icon to the left of the text. Make sure to use Forge icons according to their prescribed usage. If using icons, apply them to all Menu items in the list (or section, if you’re using dividers).
If using icons, apply them to all Menu items in the list or section.
Apply icons to just some of the Menu items in the list or section.
Developer tips
Menu trigger element
Menu can be triggered by any element that can be clicked, like a link, ComboButton, Button, or other Forge component. Set the code for this element as the value for Menu’s trigger
prop. Clicking the element opens the Menu, and clicking anywhere outside the expanded Menu hides the Menu again.
A typical trigger is the subcomponent MenuTrigger (see Props tables), which is implemented by LabelButton (documented in ComboButton’s Props tables) but with special class names passed on to it. See the Demos for an example of how to use MenuTrigger.
Known issue
Menu’s size
prop overrides the size
prop of any component passed in by Menu’s trigger
Menu items
Each item in the dropdown is a MenuItem (see Props tables), a subcomponent that’s a light wrapper around <hr> (horizontal break) or <span> elements.
Menu has a label (the label
prop), which is separate from any text in the trigger element and appears above the trigger element. The label is required for accessibility reasons, but displaying it is optional. If the design doesn’t show a label above the trigger element, treat the label as hidden. Use the hideLabel
prop to hide it, and work with the designer to make sure that label
is set with an appropriate value.
Implementation links
MenuItem directory in Bitbucket
MenuItemList directory in Bitbucket
MenuScreen directory in Bitbucket
Implementation details
It is strongly recommended to familiarize yourself with the Forge source code. While this documentation is a best effort to document the intent and usage of a component, sometimes some features only become clear when looking at the source code. Also, looking at Forge's source code may help identify and fix bugs in either your application or Forge itself.
Storybook files
Forge maintains at least one storybook file per component. While the primary audience for these files is typically the Forge team, these storybook files may cover usages of the component not covered by a demo. The storybook for the latest version of forge can be found at go/forge-storybook.
Testing library
Forge strongly encourages using testing-library to write tests for your application.
"The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you."
If you're having trouble testing a Forge component using testing-library, it would be a good idea to see how Forge tests its own components. For the most part, Forge tries to use screen.getByRole as much as it can, as that API provides the best feedback on a11y compliance. Forge discourages the use of document.querySelector and screen.getByTestId as both APIs encourage using implementation details to test your component, and discourage adding roles to your component.
With that being said, many of Forge's components were not built with accessibility in mind. These components do break the recommendations listed above.
Import statements
In Nimbus applications
athenaOne serves the Forge bundle independently from your application's bundle. Importing Forge components directly from '@athena/forge'
takes advantage of this feature.
import { Menu, MenuItem, MenuItemList, MenuScreen } from '@athena/forge'
In standalone applications
Importing components using the exact path to the module takes advantage of webpack's tree shaking feature. Webpack will include only that module and its dependencies.
import Menu from '@athena/forge/Menu';import MenuItem from '@athena/forge/MenuItem';import MenuItemList from '@athena/forge/MenuItemList';import MenuScreen from '@athena/forge/MenuScreen';
To use this import guidance, Typescript applications must use typescript >= 4.7.3
, and should add this setting to their tsconfig.json file:
{"compilerOptions": {"moduleResolution": "Node16",}}
If this setting doesn't work for your application, use this import statement instead:
import Menu from '@athena/forge/dist/Menu';import MenuItem from '@athena/forge/dist/MenuItem';import MenuItemList from '@athena/forge/dist/MenuItemList';import MenuScreen from '@athena/forge/dist/MenuScreen';